Thursday, June 22, 2006

Welcome to Broadcasting Intern #1

This summer rather than try to learn and remember the WKTI summer interns names, I've decided to just use the numbering system. It's just so much easier to remember. So as each intern arrives I just give them their corresponding number. Intern number 1 is a very eager young broadcaster, she's already learned how to staple concert tickets together, use the WKTI fax machine, and work with Microsoft excel all excellent skills to further her broadcast career. This week though she has taken her learning to new levels with a run to Quiznos and cleaning my desk.
I have to admit my desk is more of a dumping ground than workspace as you can tell, but if you really want to learn the ropes in broadcasting....

But it is very important for Number 1 to see what goes into a broadcast day, and yea I'm not sure what was in that baggie either.....

The coffee cups must not have been cleaned in months.

It's hard work cleaning, I mean it's hard work learning all about broadcasting so you must keep hydrated.......

And occassionally it can make you just a little crazy.

Wow job well done isn't the world of broadcasting exciting?


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