Monday, June 26, 2006

Who does #2 work for?

So who does number 2 work for? Intern number 2 came to work today and asked if there was anything he could do for me.

Once upon a time there was an Intern named Intern#2 who was trying to learn everything there was to learn about the radio business. So to make sure I was happy he offered to get me coffee.

But the coffee here at Radio city just wasn't cutting it.

It didn't taste good at all.

So I sent Intern #2 out for better coffee... he stopped at someplace called "Something" pantry but they said we had to clear it with corporate for us to use their name.

The coffee was good but it wasn't quite right....

So as any good intern, Intern #2 kept looking for what "Goldilocks", me, actually wanted a Chai Tea.

And the Chai Tea was just right making me very happy and Intern #2 on his way to a career in broadcasting.


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