Trying to find the perfect Christmas present? Well for that little cleaner on your holiday list pick up the Barbie Real Vacuum.
Yes it's a real working vacuum;
the sales pitch says that it's ideal for children to maintain their rooms.
Yea right, first of all most kids aren't too concerned about maintaining their rooms let alone concerned about vacuuming. Secondly they say most "CHILDREN" don't they mean most GIRLS, I don't know too many little boys that want anything Barbie let alone a Barbie Vacuum cleaner.
Do they even make a vacuum cleaner for the little boys who are concerned about cleanliness?
And are there boys that even care about being neat and tidy?
If they did make a vacuum for boys what would it be?
Superman's super suction real vacuum?
Spidey's sensible cleaning machine?
Power Rangers Power Pickup vacuum?
Knights of the roundtable cleanables Real Vacuum.
Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of. Ships and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of."
But neither one wants to vacuum do they?