Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blogging NOW

In the beginning Caveman Unk scribbled paintings on his cave as a form of communicating. As time moved forward Unk's relatives begin using ink and paper... Generations passed and to share your thoughts you could use the typewriter. The typewriter led to advances in technology and the use of whiteout. Those advances in technology eventually gave us COMPUTERS.

With the computer came the INTERNET and an audience that was World Wide. A relative of Caveman Unk's, twice removed through marriage James Blogger added another way of communicating to our lives...
THE BLOG. Following in great great........great....great.....Uncle Unk's footsteps, I too have taken to this idea of communicating. Instead of his idea of pictures on a cave wall I have my very own BLOG.

Welcome and as always thanks for listening and now reading as well.

Dan Kyle


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